Friday, November 1, 2019

The 5 C of email management and integrated marketing

The effective and efficient use of your email management system goes well beyond simply creating a list of prospects.

If you choose the correct automatic response system and plan for business growth, you can automate five key aspects of your business.

The 5 C of email and list management

1. Capture the names and email addresses of your visitors. This is the basis for building your list, and your list is the basis of your successful business.

2. Conversation and your communication. Start a conversation with the people on your list. Communicate with them. Ask them questions. Listen to them and offer them valuable content. After all, they trusted you enough to provide your contact information, so show that you are reliable in providing information, products and services that you will find valuable.

3. The construction of the community comes later. It seems that now, more than ever, people want to experience a sense of community on the Internet. Witness the meteoric growth of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. You will also want to foster a sense of community in your communication with your prospects and customers.

4. Conversion You can use its automatic response system to turn your visitors into prospects, your prospects into single buyers, your unique buyers into multiple buyers and then enthusiastic fans. And finally in business partners for more visit this website

5. Continuity and continuity. Your email management system and your list of customers and prospects is an entry point for a much larger commercial image, if you configure your systems the right way from the beginning.

Don't make the mistake of seeing your autoresponder system simply as a way to move people in and out of your list. Is much more!

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